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Morning sickness, nausea and vomiting are common during pregnancy

Morning sickness is a term used to describe the nausea and vomiting many women experience during pregnancy. It can occur morning, noon or night, and it may last for a short time or all day long. This common pregnancy condition is rarely harmful to mother or baby. Our Grapevine and Fort Worth ObGyns have a great deal of experience helping mothers-to-be cope with this condition.

Most morning sickness occurs during the first trimester

Approximately the sixth week of pregnancy, many women begin to feel the symptoms of morning sickness – nausea and vomiting – and the condition often ends by the second trimester. Unfortunately, some women experience morning sickness for their entire pregnancy.

The medical community is not sure what causes morning sickness, but we do know that certain factors put a woman at higher risk.

  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Experiencing morning sickness during a past pregnancy
  • A personal history of migraines or motion sickness
  • A first degree relative – a mother or a sister – who has had morning sickness

Severe morning sickness is called hyperemesis gravidarum

Only 3% of women will experience hyperemesis gravidarum, the most severe type of morning sickness and its troubling symptoms.

  • A weight loss of 5% or more of body weight
  • Severe dehydration
  • Vomiting four or more times per day
  • Vomiting accompanied by lightheadedness or dizziness

Women with this type of morning sickness will need to be carefully monitored by our Grapevine and Fort Worth ObGyns and may require hospitalization to receive fluids.

When to call our Grapevine and Fort Worth ObGyns

Our Grapevine and Fort Worth ObGyns and staff are always ready and willing to discuss pregnancy issues with patients. Rest assured that the vast majority of women will only deal with this problem for a few weeks, with no danger to mother or baby. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it’s important to call our physicians.

  • Morning sickness after your fourth month
  • Vomiting more than three times each day, accompanied by difficulty keeping fluids and food down
  • Weight loss of two pounds or more
  • Rapid heart beat
  • Feeling confused or overly tired
  • Lack of urine or a complete cessation of urine
  • Brown vomit or vomit that contains blood

Steps that may help you feel better when you have morning sickness

Continue to take your prenatal vitamin, but always take it with food, and keep crackers or a snack near your bed and take a few bites before you get up. Try eating a few small meals each day instead of three larger ones, and drink lot of fluids to prevent dehydration from morning sickness. We also suggest that you avoid fatty and spicy foods; instead, focus on foods that are bland – rice, cereal or foods high in protein, particularly milk and yogurt.

Our Grapevine and Fort Worth ObGyns and staff are here to help with morning sickness. Contact us today for an appointment.

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(817) 416-2229