Five health and fitness tips for a healthier 2018 Our Fort Worth and Grapevine obgyns are here to help you achieve optimal health. In 2018, our physicians urge you to take control of your health and fitness. Follow our health and fitness tips in 2018 for a healthy year and life Healthy habits pay dividends […]
Gynecology Women's Integrated Healthcare
6 steps you can take to prevent UTIs Do you cringe when you think about UTIs? Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, occur in the urinary tract and are caused by bacteria. It isn’t always possible to prevent UTI’s and their annoying symptoms of urgency, burning and frequency of urination. However, our Fort Worth and Grapevine […]
Gynecology Women's Integrated Healthcare
Genitourinary syndrome, the menopausal problem women may not know about Menopause can make you want to swear off sex. The decrease in levels of estrogen and other hormones after menopause causes changes to the vagina that can cause genital and urinary symptoms in women. This condition is known as genitourinary syndrome. Our Grapevine and Alliance […]
Gynecology Women's Integrated Healthcare
3 truths about today’s IUDs Our Grapevine and Alliance ObGyns want to update women about today’s IUDs, one of the most effective forms of birth control currently available. IUDs are a form of long-acting reversible contraception, known as LARC. ObGyns sometimes call it “set it and forget it” birth control because once IUDs are in […]
Gynecology Women's Integrated Healthcare
The truth about optimizing natural fertility When you’re ready to get pregnant, you may talk to friends or look to the internet for tips on optimizing natural fertility. Unfortunately there are many myths out there and tips you don’t need to follow, including the ones below. You don’t have to lie flat on your back […]
Women's Integrated Healthcare Gynecology